Meaning of idiom 三教九流
Writing Sheet
Idiom Meaning

三教九流 sānjiào-jiǔliú

(1) [the three religions (Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism) and the nine schools of thought (the Confucians, the Taoists, the Yin-Yang, the Legalists, the Logicians, the Mohists, the Political Strategists, the Ecletics and the Agriculturists)]∶三教指儒教、道教、佛教,九流指儒家者流、阴阳家者流、道家者流、法家者流、名家者流、墨家者流、纵横家者流、杂家者流、农家者流

(2) [various religious sects and academic schools]∶宗教学术中的各种流派

(3) [people in various trades]∶各行各业的人——常含贬义

Idiom Explanation








Meaning in Internet


  • 三教九流,旧指宗教或学术上的各种流派。也泛指社会上各行各业的人。本是古代中国对人的地位和职业名称划分的等级,按照等级的不同来审视规范道德行为,化解单一的道德规范引发的潜在社会矛盾,此词本无褒贬。而在古代白话小说中,往往含有贬义。