Meaning of idiom 兔死狗烹
Writing Sheet
Idiom Meaning

兔死狗烹 tùsǐ-gǒupēng

[cook the hound when the hares have been run down;trusted aides are eliminated when they have outlived their usefulness,as the hounds are killed for food once all the hares are bagged] 把抓住兔子的猎狗烹煮吃掉。比喻成就事业后就把有功之臣杀了,只能共患难,不能共欢乐。多指独裁专权

Idiom Explanation




【示例】大凡古来有识见的英雄功成名就,便拂袖而去,免使后来有“鸟尽弓藏,~”之祸。 ◎清·陈忱《水浒后传》第九回




Meaning in Internet


  • 兔死狗烹,读音tù sǐ gǒu pēng,指兔子死了,猎狗就被人烹食,比喻给统治者效劳的人事成后被抛弃或杀掉。