Meaning of idiom 疾风知劲草
Writing Sheet
Idiom Meaning

疾风知劲草 jífēng zhī jìncǎo

[the force of the wind tests the strength of the grass;only the toughest grass can stand the strongest wind;the strength of character is tested in a crisis;under strong winds one can know the strength of grass] 比喻在危难时才能显出谁的意志坚强,是经得起考验的人

Idiom Explanation




【示例】俗语说:“~。”经过这一段不平凡的日子,人们对于前进的道路是看得更加清楚了,信心也更加坚定了。 ◎峻青《瑞雪图》



Meaning in Internet


  • 疾风知劲草,谓在猛烈的大风中,可看出什么样的草是强劲的。比喻意志坚定,经得起考验。出自《东观汉记·王霸传》:“上谓霸曰:‘颍川从我者皆逝,而子独留,始验疾风知劲草。’”《旧唐书·萧瑀传》:“﹝太宗﹞赐瑀诗曰:‘疾风知劲草,板荡识诚臣。’”